Tuesday, October 31, 2023

Animal Kingdom

-places for animals etc

-on sea beds
-a lot of each breeds' foods they like just lying around on the ground and keep reappearing. And animals can will the (already dead) food to appear
-different sections of these for different breeds. To stop animals attacking each other
-they are safe here and humans can't get to them
-any animal etc can teleport TO their style section when they find out about them
-and teleport OUT too. Maybe if they want to live in another themed place
-like in the Universe sickness is reversed. And crimes are movements that are blocked
-the food layout is the same but different animals are changed to suit this environment



Wednesday, October 11, 2023

Space Trek

-anyone in the Sanctuary Supreme Universe

-can form a spaceship

-a cube shaped craft with tall man height or equilivent lengths in each side

-with clear plastic durable sheets walls

-the spaceships can travel to other Universes

-and teleport to places

Sanctuary Supreme Universe Miracles

  -these are the miracles for the Sanctuary Supreme Universe -the other two Universes are Campbelltown and Smallville     -these miracles ar...