Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Sanctuary Supreme Universe Miracles

 -these are the miracles for the Sanctuary Supreme Universe

-the other two Universes are Campbelltown and Smallville   

-these miracles are meant to start at the start of time

-full Disney+ and Harvey Comics channels

-full Days of our Lives and Windsor High features and my songs channels

-up until the year 2000 countries must try to follow-

-High School Musical Suggestions for GovernmentsHigh School Musical Suggestions for Governments

-one third of all landscapes covered in Atlantis (Earth) features until the year 2000

-from the start of time 

-all suns have the bottom half layers of local attractions related to me. And the top half US attractions I visited


-past those maybe extending outwards forever in every direction like a solid block of features created by me looking like Rob Liefeld and Kyle Lowder

-for every store or attraction. There beside it is a business with my product features on the same theme. All stock adjusted to aliens bodies

-and in the year 2000

-all landscapes are replaced by a cross section of these 7 landscapes


-2. Animal Kingdom

-3. Sanctuary Supreme

-4. Smallville Fraser Street block

-5. my ideas for stores and products 

-6. the futuristic city blocks 

-7. Disney features

-and from the year 2000 the miracles I came up with effecting health and environments etc are still going

-after 2000 barren planets are covered in New Zealand and Iranian features

-and extending outwards around the edges of space maybe forever. Are the features I created looking like Liefeld and Lowder

-from the year 2000 all recorded productions until now. As a translated channel by minds. You can only view one feature at a time

-skies all over the Universe are orange with red swirls in day. And at night the sies are a light blue with specked white stars

-all can breathe air which replaces atmospheres. And sea water too becomes partly like air

-a mass of paranormal things going on across space

-each home has a C3-P0 different colored robot as a butler / aide / simple but real friend. But they are emotionless 

-there are constant white large book sized panels on walls that let you communicate with people, locate you and other people and places

-everything is free. All the original venues still exist. Capable different colored emotionless C3-P0 robots run them. Stock restores when stores close or there are hand beams

-each person gets created in one of their accounts $12 million 

-most life can alter their bodies to look like any person or life they want. And can keep changing their appearance

-and all life can manipulate things


-when you get sick or injured

-as many times as possible it reverses almost straight away

-almost all crime when someone tries something their action is reversed / blocked 

-the minds of the evil Revelations figures and any partner I get are taken from all three Universes

-Hell is replaced by copies of several blocks around my home with many of my attractions off the outside doors

-all alive can will to end themselves and they appear in the Fraser Street area afterlife. And where they were continues an exact duplicate

-and most buildings etc restore every 50 years in all planets etc. In all three Universes  

-anyone on a planet, barren planet, Moon, sea bed, or anywhere else can form a 'spaceship'. A cube shaped, tall man height or equilivent each length of it. With clear durable see through plastic walls. The spaceships can travel to other Universes. And teleport to places

-to almost all miracles almost everything is translated 

-there is only one of me all together on the three Universes

-Gift of GodGift of God

-from 2000 inside all suns are layers of each country of our world's stock, stores, attractions etc. Like a Tardis most items from the history of that country are in there

-on the insides of all planets are features from the most advanced planet ever

-on the insides of all Moons. The features are from my design for Space Base

-Space BaseSpace Base

-from the year 2000 these are channels by minds to the biggest area possible

-Days of our Lives and Windsor High productions. All my songs with logical sounds of the notes and my voice. Harvey Comics and Disney+

-in every home. In all the history of the MULTIVERSE. A MEZZANINE floor. Holding a copy of every Earth comic made. All Translated to all races. I had a French Teacher named TESSA METZ. And the comics all restore with the 50th ANNIVERSARY of when they first appeared. Straight from the very BEGINNING of the first history of space. EASILY ARRANGED. Maybe set off by me finding in my earliest memory. Coming in to live in our new home for the first time. Finding a tin of BISCUITS in a kitchen cupboard

-from after the start of new space almost anyone has the power to do or create anything. Up to one Universe in size each. On a separate Plate each

Tuesday, October 31, 2023

Animal Kingdom

-to all places with animals etc

-just under the ground level
-is another layer
-about just over the heads of a tall Dinosaur. Or the tallest animals living there
-a lot of trees close together. With green leaves on top all shaped like Domes
-a lot of each breeds' foods they like just lying around on the ground and keep reappearing. And animals can will the (already dead) food to appear
-different sections of these for different breeds. To stop animals attacking each other
-they are safe here and humans can't get to them
-any animal etc can teleport TO their style section when they find out about them
-and teleport OUT too. Maybe if they want to live in another themed place
-like in the Universe sickness is reversed. And crimes are movements that are blocked
-the food layout is the same but different animals are changed to suit this environment
-these are beneath the surface of Moons, inhabited planets and barren planets



Wednesday, October 11, 2023

Space Trek

-anyone in the Sanctuary Supreme Universe

-can form a spaceship

-a cube shaped craft with tall man height or equilivent lengths in each side

-with clear plastic durable sheets walls

-the spaceships can travel to other Universes

-and teleport to places

Wednesday, September 27, 2023


-all copies of my home. Are actually 5 stories tall. The first and fourth stories like the ground level. Then the top 5th level 3 versions of my home going across. And the outsides glass. So they look like a glass capital 'T' block. There is no longer problems with the roof. The 3 units across are empty. The make up of copies of my home sent over space. 'Clean up the marks on the walls.' Make my house's roof no longer leaky. Fix the electrical faults the rain had caused. And fix the Conservatory which was also leaky. Create new firmer , stable but the same looking versions of the old ones

Sanctuary Supreme Universe Miracles

  -these are the miracles for the Sanctuary Supreme Universe -the other two Universes are Campbelltown and Smallville     -these miracles ar...